Vocational, Technical, and Career Colleges
There are over 10,000 private Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges located in the U.S. Admission requirements for these schools vary, and the tuition costs range from approximately $500 to $10,000 depending on the nature and length of the course. Choosing a vocational school is a big decision. A key advantage to selecting a trade or technical school is that training may be completed faster than at a community college, although the expenses will be greater. Students typically will be required to take only courses that relate to their specific area of training, rather than general education courses.When choosing a Vocational School, ask:
- What is the cost?
- How difficult is it?
- How long does it take?
- Is the school accredited? Accreditation is an important indicator because an accredited school has passed a thorough examination of its business practices and teaching ability by an accrediting agency.
- What percentage of the students finish the program?
- Is job placement included as a service of the school?
- Will a refund be given if the course is not completed?
- How long has the school been in operation?
- Would you hire graduates of the school?
- How many have you actually hired?
- Were they hired because of the school’s training?
- Did training make a difference in starting salary?
- Will there be jobs available for the skills taught at the trade school?
- Visiting the school itself.
- Checking with local community colleges to see if similar training is available at a lower cost. Further information on Trade/Technical Schools can be found in the DVHS College and Career Center and online at: trade-schools.net or tradeschoolsonline.com